Tuesday, June 11, 2013



Benefit and advantages of being a CAEI member
a)      Qualification for CAEI Loan Programs
b)      Free access to CAEI datas and programs
c)      Present  or able to Guarantee loan applicants
d)      CAEI (Educational) tuition free classes
e)      CAEI Scholarship for self, nominees or children
f)       CAEI Empowerment Business trips to Foreign Territories
g)      CAEI Honory National Award
h)      CAEI’s support to Government and Non-Governmental
Economic Empowerment and social Rehabilitation programs.
i)        CAEI free family support and Educational assistance services.
j)        Other “CAEI” recognitions includes:
                       I.            CAEI” identity Card
                     II.            Certificate of programs
                   III.            Introductory letters
                   IV.            Stickers
                     V.            CAEI Contracts e.t.c

Membership of a unit is the only qualification for anyone to benefit from the economic empowerment projects or be involved in any mass assisted programs. Thus unit membership is the only acceptable certificate for ones appointment to positions, considerations or recognitions from the executives of Civil Awareness and Economic-Empowerment Intiatives. 



  • Individual

  • Group

  • Partnership

Qualification for Individual membership
All Nigeria Citizens irrespective of creed, gender, race, religion or political
Age 15 years and above.

Process of Becoming A CAEI Member:
By application, through obtaining and completing membership form,
Which must be submitted to the CAEI National Headquaters.

Membership Constituecy or Territory:
Area of residence or business area of operation in which members can form themselves into a group of twenty (25) members. This group is called unit for the purpose of CAEI registration.

 Qualification for group(s) membership
a)      Any group or association legally recognized by any territorial authority, confirmed patriotic and non-controversial, proven to have been operating for positive humanitarian services (in any or all parts of the world), and shows genuine interest and support to “CAEI” programs and services. The groups in these perspectives include Local Area councils, State Governments, African Union, European Union and United Nations Organization. Etc.
b)      Any Organized, legally registered Business organization, known to have been operating legally approved Business services in any area, country, or territory of the world, which accept to partner with “CAEI” or indicates interest to benefit from any of “CAEI” services in terms of;
 facilitation, out-reach to communities and or the society, which will be implemented by  “CAEI” on their behalf.


Qualification for group(s) membership
a)      Any group or association legally recognized by any territorial authority, confirmed patriotic and non-controversial, proven to have been operating for positive humanitarian services (in any or all parts of the world), and shows genuine interest and support to “CAEI” programs and services. The groups in these perspectives include Local Area councils, State Governments, African Union, European Union and United Nations Organization. Etc.
b)      Any Organized, legally registered Business organization, known to have been operating legally approved Business services in any area, country, or territory of the world, which accept to partner with “CAEI” or indicates interest to benefit from any of “CAEI” services in terms of;
 facilitation, out-reach to communities and or the society, which will be implemented by  “CAEI” on their behalf.

2.1 Supreme Governing Council (SGC)
I.            Chairman, Board of National Trustees as Chairman.
II.            Vice Chairman, Board of National Trustees as Executive Director.
III.            Secretary, Board of National Trustees as National Secretary.
IV.            Treasurer, National Board of Trustees as Director finance and Banking Services.
National Executive Committee
I.            National Chairman (who must be one from among the trustees whose name and details filed in Corporate Affairs commission as registered trustees and guarantors for the CAEI)
II.            Executive Director (who must be one from among the trustees and details filed in Corporate Affairs commission as registered trustees and guarantors for the CAEI).
III.            National Secretary as secretary (who must be one from among the trustees whose name and details filed in CAC as registered trustees and guarantors for the CAEI).
IV.            National Treasurer (Who must be one from among the trustees whose name and details filed in Corporate Affairs Commission as registered trustees and guarantors for the CAEI).
V.            National Director (Coopted)
VI.            Coordinator of the 36 State and FCT.Abuja

State Executive Committee
Composition. (to be appointed by the National Head Quarters)
I.            Coordinator
II.            Secretary
III.            Head of Finance and Banking Services.
IV.            Head of Projects and Programs.
V.            All Local Government Coordinators.

Local Government Committee
Composition: (to be appointed by the State Coordinator among distinguished popular members of the community by State executive committee)
I.            Coordinator
II.            Secretary (must be literate and competent)
III.            Treasurer
IV.            Head of Projects and Programs.
V.            Head of Units and sub-committees as public relation officer.
VI.            Six other member among which four must be women and one among he four who possessed good qualities of human relation shall serve as women Affairs officer
VII.            Officer women and child abuse matters.

2.6 Units
Unit is a group of only twenty-five (25) people, who share common interest, trust and understanding among themselves, inconsiderate of religion, sex, tribe family or political ideology, but agreed to work together to help promote or benefit positive socio-economic developmental projects for progress, unity and peaceful co-existence of Nigeria and the welfare of its citizens, and should be subservient to the ward executive committee of their area.
Composition: (to be appointed from among distinguished popular members of the unit by the ward executive committee)
a)   Chairman
B)    19 other members who among them shall be:
-      Secretary
-      Treasurer
-      Etc